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  • Airoh
920.00 лв.
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Безплатна Доставка

  • : AI52A13ACES
  • : AI52A13ACES
  • : Каски
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Ще Ви потърсим в рамките на работния ден. Внимание: При грешен телефонен номер, нямаме начин да се свържем с Вас.

12 x 84.21 лв.

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YOUR ACE IN THE HOLE Aviator ACE 2 is really your ace in the hole, the helmet that will allow you to fully enjoy your own moment of freedom, without compromise of any kind. Its renewed design and captivating graphics combine perfectly with the double size carbon fiber shell that comes complete with the ASN and AEFR technologies, as well as an innovative ventilation system that will allow you to be simply unstoppable. The Aviator ACE 2 is the Airoh helmet for true two-wheel lovers, created by experienced motorcyclists to be a faithful companion for every kind of adventure, in any condition of use. In addition to all its innovative features, it is also Communication System Ready, it is perfect for special occasions as well as for everyday use. The company reserves the right to make, at any time, changes to the products that may be necessary or appropriate for the state of the art. Furthermore, it is not liable or responsible for color differences between the inserted photos and the original products.