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  • Alpinestars
Halo Drystar® Jacket
900.00 лв.
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12 x 82.38 лв.

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A multi-season adventure touring jacket with an innovative technical outer jacket, the Halo Drystar® Jacket can be adapted to the weather conditions; the asymmetric front construction features a very wide vent panel, which combined with the large opening vent panel on the back, delivers optimum levels of airflow. This can be enhanced ever further, thanks to the removable sleeve shell which exposes the full mesh sleeves for unrivalled airflow in the warmest environments, while still delivering full protection against impacts. This jacket is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 5 Airbag System, for complete upper body protection.

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A multi-season adventure touring jacket with an innovative technical outer jacket, the Halo Drystar® Jacket can be adapted to the weather conditions; the asymmetric front construction features a very wide vent panel, which combined with the large opening vent panel on the back, delivers optimum levels of airflow. This can be enhanced ever further, thanks to the removable sleeve shell which exposes the full mesh sleeves for unrivalled airflow in the warmest environments, while still delivering full protection against impacts. This jacket is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 5 Airbag System, for complete upper body protection.