- Alpinestars

362.00 лв.
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Featuring new performance innovations adapted from decades of R&D experience in the highest level of motorsports, the Faster-3 Shoe utilizes a seamless knitted construction to create a riding shoe that is extremely lightweight and breathable and also boasts class-leading protective features, both inside and outside.
Информираме Ви, че въпреки нашите усилия не можем да гарантираме, че публикуваната информация и снимки не съдържат неточности или грешки, които не могат да бъдат правно основание за претенции.
Featuring new performance innovations adapted from decades of R&D experience in the highest level of motorsports, the Faster-3 Shoe utilizes a seamless knitted construction to create a riding shoe that is extremely lightweight and breathable and also boasts class-leading protective features, both inside and outside.