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  • Alpinestars
Nucleon Kr-2 Back Protector
304.00 лв.
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12 x 27.83 лв.

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The NUCLEON KR-2 is an ultra-lightweight, premium adventure touring back protector CE certified Level 2 to the latest back protector standard revision and incorporating articulated vertebrae protection for superb performance and comfort, especially on longer rides.

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The NUCLEON KR-2 is an ultra-lightweight, premium adventure touring back protector CE certified Level 2 to the latest back protector standard revision and incorporating articulated vertebrae protection for superb performance and comfort, especially on longer rides.
  • Extremely lightweight, highly breathable and incorporating reinforced protection this back protector is optimized for comfort on longer journeys. 
  • Adventure touring back protector CE certified Level 2 to the latest back protector standard revision EN1621-2:2014.
Key features
  • An innovative fusion of energy absorbing viscoelastic memory foam with articulated vertebrae protection - the NUCLEON KR-2 is flexible and ergonomically profiled for performance.
  • Features include waist adjustment for customized fit and a slim vented kidney belt for added security.